Slumming It Summary

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Introduction After reviewing the documentary Slumming It two philosophers came to mind. Throughout the documentary Slumming It both philosophical principles of both Robert Nozick and John Rawls. In the philosophical beliefs of Robert Nozick explains that each person within our society falls into one of two categories. The first category of people is "those who think this vision of the state is too small" (Steiner, Week 9). In this category, these people are described as communitarians, socialists or even sometimes described as conservatives. In the second category where Nozick says the second group of people is those who "think this vision of the state is too big" (Steiner, Week 9). Where people living in this category are described as anarchists. The second philosopher that came to mind when reviewing the Slumming It Documentary was the philosophical beliefs of John Rawls. In Rawl's …show more content…

In his two-week journey through the world's 3rd largest slum in the city of Dharavi. In this experience, he shared his experience through his first time visiting India. In this documentary he showed the living conditions within the city of Dharavi, in this region of India he showed that nearly one million people were living an area of one square mile. In this densely populated area, people were living near sewer pipes and constantly surrounded by toxic sewage where on average four thousand new cases of illness are diagnosed every day in this area due to the poor sanitation in this part of India. In this documentary, the host Kevin meets a young girl named Monica where he experiences the life of living in the slums. In this segment of the documentary, viewers are confronted with the harsh realities of Dharavi. For an example, in Monica's household, there are twenty-one people living in a tight and cramped house in the heart of the

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