Six Nutrients

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What are the six nutrients and how can you make healthy choices that include these

nutrients? One of the six nutrients is water and you need water to live, water is the nutrient that

keeps you hydrated... every living thing needs water and without it you won't last for more than

two days. The second nutrient is carbohydrates, there are six reasons why you should eat

carbs. They boost your mood, carbs can help prevent weight gain and even promote weight

loss, carbs are good for your heart, will help you trim your waistline, will keep your memory

sharp. It will help you burn fat a lot faster. The third nutrient is protein, protein is essential for

building and repairing things, but some people use it for building muscle. Your organs, muscles,

skin, hair, …show more content…

Most things that you eat have

some sort of fat, which some fat can be healthy for you, but a lot of fat can be bad for you. The

fifth nutrient is vitamins are very important for how your body grows, vitamins are in everything

you eat you need vitamins to live, vitamins even help with how your hair grows. The sixth and

final nutrient is minerals which provide humans with the essentials for daily life.

One example of a lifestyle change to maintain healthful lifestyle is to jump start ones

metabolism by eating at least eating a small breakfast. If you wait until lunch to eat your body

will digest more slowly. As said by my great grandmother the darker the green the better the

vegetable is for you... this does not count for Skittles. Another tip would be even though a label

says "reduced fat" doesn't mean the fat left in the food is a good fat for you.

This paper and my brother's recent diagnosis of gluten intolerance helps me understand

how carbs can be good and bad. Not all people's bodies work the same way things that I can

eat may make him incredibly sick. I found out I can increase muscle mass by adding

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