Single Gender Class Case Study

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1. What are the students’ views of single-gender classes? Do students think gender plays a part in equal educational opportunities for boys and girls? Why or why not?
For the most part, the students enjoyed the single-gender classes with, “62 percent stating they could focus better without the opposite sex present” (p.5). The sentiments did change a little as the students progressed from 6th grade to 8th. “Both boys and girls in 6th grade referred to their opposite-gender peers as “noisy” and “annoying”” (p.5), showing their support for the single-gender classes. Whereas, by 7th grade the boys were seeing a problem with bullying and the girls were beginning to experience some cattiness. One of the 8th-grade boys felt the answer to the bullying problem could be solved by joint gender classes. His feelings were that “the guys who pick on us would be more interested in impressing the girls,” (p.7) if they were in a mixed gender classroom. …show more content…

The single gender classrooms allow them to ask questions and more freely give answers, without feeling they would be ridiculed. One 7th grade girl “reported a definite improvement in her grades, noting that “I can concentrate better. I am not afraid to raise my hand” (p.6), in the single gender classes. For one boy the single gender classes allowed him to feel ““more challenged” in his all-boy classes because he enjoyed the competition” (p.6). The girls in this study gained greater benefits and were able to get past the social issues that came up from single-gender classrooms better than their male

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