Sex Segregation Classrooms

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Thesis: Considering the scientific studies behind the intellectual differences in both males and females, many believe that members of the opposite sex should be separated in a classroom setting. However, sex-segregated classrooms negatively affect the overall classroom environment and social skills required to positively affect a child’s overall development in future studies and careers.
I. Recently, many sex-segregated classrooms have become dramatically prevalent due to the belief on how gender separated classrooms “positively” influence how each gender grasps their academic performance.
a. The legislation Title IX composed by the Department of Education provoked innumerable amounts of single-sex courses to prevent gender discrimination, …show more content…

Sex-segregated education begins to clog up the minds of those in charge of education allowing the resources that should be used to improve the education of all students to be diverted elsewhere and affect the overall classroom environment.
a. People are hyping the overall idea of gender separated classrooms as a fantastic “new discovery” regarding intellectual and genetic differences, however they are rather new versions of old stereotypes.
b. Sex-segregated programs limit their education to only “scientifically proven” approaches in the classrooms for both boys and girls when ideally every student learns in a different manner.
c. Several facts support how sex-segregated classrooms often emphasize the struggles both boys and girls have regarding learning abilities rather than attempting to help each individual student on their unique performances.
III. Single sex class room environments challenge social skills by isolating the one sex from the other, which will negatively affect their profession career in the future.
a. The debate behind gender separated classrooms negatively affect the overall development of social behavior because they deprive students of certain kind preparation for the coeducational real

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