Sin Nombre

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Cary Fukuanga’s most prominent story telling strategy in Sin Nombre is color. One story told by color is Willy’s relationships. When his girlfriend, Martha Marlene, was introduced she was wearing pink. Her room had pink in it as well. Almost every time we saw Martha, she was wearing pink. Pink was significant to her as a character because pink is symbolic of love, and she was the love of Willy’s life. Coincidentally, every time Sayra was shown wearing pink from the beginning of the movie until closer to the end. This was a hint at how she would eventually grow very close to Willy as well. Near the end of the movie when Sayra and Willy were together finding their own way to the boarder, Willy was seen wearing yellow in a few scenes. Then, within the next few scenes Sayra started wearing more yellow. Having them wear the same colors represent how close they had grown and not only were they in love, but they were becoming the same person. …show more content…

When first meeting Smiley, he was wearing a white shirt. Emotionally, white represents innocents which makes since because he wore this color before he joined the gang and started doing bad things. Once he starts engaging in the gang activity, he is seen wearing black and darker colored shirts showing how he has been corrupted by all the stuff going on and the people around him. In other cultures, such as in Japan, white symbolizes death and the afterlife. In the scene were Smiley shoots and kills Willy, he is wearing a white shirt again. This use of the color is a play off how he used to be so innocent and sweet, but now he has been corrupted to the point of actually killing his close friend who he wouldn’t have been there

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