Simon Bolivar Biography

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George Washington knew him. So did Napoleon Bonaparte. Hugo Chavez and many other South American presidents have referred to him. Francisco De Paula Santander was his political opponent. And Joseph Bonaparte, king of Spain, knew him as an enemy. The person all these people are referring to is Simon Bolivar, or better known as “The Liberator” (“Simon Bolivar Biography”). Simon Bolivar impacted society in a positive way because of his contributions in liberating South America, love for South America, and his efforts to unite South America. Simon Bolivar was born on July 24, 1783. His birthplace was in present day Caracas, Venezuela. Bolivar’s full name was Simon José Antonio de la Santísma Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios, and was also known as “El Libertador” or “The Liberator” ("Simon Bolivar Biography"). He was born to Colonel Juan Bolívar and Concepción Palacios Blanco. Bolivar’s mother rarely looked after him, and was mainly cared for by nurses. Bolivar also stated that his only true mother was Hipolita, his childhood nurse. Both of his parents died when he was only seven years old! Bolivar’s family was one of the oldest Creole families in Venezuela. The estates of the Bolivar family were managed by Bolivar’s mother (Goodnough 16). His father was a big squanderer and also a “night owl”, and rarely had time for his children. Bolivar had two older sisters and a brother. Their names were; Maria, Juana, and his brother Juan (Vila). Then at the age of fourteen, Bolivar enlisted in the White Militia Battalion, which had once been commanded by his father. After only his first year he was promoted to a Second Lieutenant! Bolivar received his education from famous professors such as; Guillermo Pelgron, Fernando Vides, Andres Bello, Jose Anto... ... middle of paper ... slavery in all of the lands of South America. Slavery was officially abolished in 1854, in Venezuela. The last important battle against the Spanish army was on December 1824. He managed to defeat an army of thousands, with one of just hundreds ("Enshrined And Oft-Invoked”)! Bolivar then announces himself dictator of Bolivia in order to keep Gran Colombia united. On September 25, 1828, Bolivar was nearly assassinated in Bogota, Colombia. Then in the year 1830, Gran Colombia was dismantled as Ecuador and Venezuela seceded. Sadly on December 17, 1830, Bolivar died of tuberculosis in Santa Marta, Colombia. At the time of his death he had forty-seven years of age. During his lifetime Bolivar has achieved many great accomplishments. One of these is the sole liberation of the South American Continent, giving him the revered nickname “El Libertador” or “The Liberator”.

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