Similarities Between We Were Here La Linea And Loteria

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Being a Latino in the United States is a scary thing. But so is being in the country where they are fleeing from. But through Latino literature, that fear can help smooth interactions among the diverse ethnic groups and cultures in the United States. We Were Here, La Linea, and Loteria are novels that relate to the issues of many Latino people. La Linea deals with children crossing the border. Loteria and We Were Here are both journal formatted novels, telling the story through a first person perspective. These novels have a great significance to the genre as they bring to light the issues that normally no one talks about in the Latino community; such as abandonment and abuse. These novels have a common running theme of the search for a place …show more content…

The term “Latino” is for all citizens of the United States whose heritage is Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central American, and South American. The majority of Latino Literature is in English, with some works of particular importance are presented in Spanish. Latino literature dates way back into the 1800s. There came a time when after World War II, Latin America enjoyed increasing economic prosperity, and a newfound confidence in writing also gave rise to the famous literary boom. From 1960 to 1967, some works of the boom were published and became widely popular and admired, especially beyond Latin America itself. Many of these novels were rebellious and apart from the general beliefs of Latin American culture, the works challenged authority. Authors would cross traditional boundaries, experimented with language, and often mixed different styles of writing in their works. This was the age of Latin …show more content…

He loses not one but two good friends as he treks through the unforgiving environment. It takes a toll on him, but with everything else going on, he has to move forward. This is not just a story of the journey of an immigrant child, but it is also a story that can help those going through problems of their own, not specifically speaking about what Miguel is going through, but more as in a metaphorical way. Miguel goes through many complicated obstacles, overcomes them, and rises above. This is motivation, in a way for those who need it. Educator’s Guide: La Linea, very much understands the emotional journey of Miguel, while also stating that it “allows the story to remain accessible both to students who have had similar experiences as well as those who haven’t.” Even if certain readers never experienced the things Miguel has, they understand the mental issues that come along with those difficulties. They relate to Miguel, and that’s what’s so important about this novel, the protagonist and major events help readers understand even if they are from a way more different culture than

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