Similarities Between 'Walker Brothers Cowboy And Drown'

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Walker Brothers Cowboy and Drown
“Walker Brothers Cowboy” by Alice Munro and “Drown” by Junot Diaz are two thought provoking short stories with a unique style of writing. These stories both share a similar plot, theme, and have identical characters presented within the writing. In both of these stories the settings are vividly built up. We have “small towns with their cracking sidewalks, the isolated farmhouses, the pricks of sunlight that blink through a straw hat,” described In “Walker Brothers Cowboy.” In “Drown” the narrator uses New Jersey place-names to give a better geographic scope and experience throughout the story. Real and fictional names are said in both of these stories. In “Walker Brothers Cowboy” the story begins with the narrator taking a walk with her father. She reflects on how short a …show more content…

The American dream and coming of age is evident in “Walker Brothers Cowboy.” Firstly, the family owned a business to make a good living. When the business went bankrupt the father had to get another job. The American dream lets people own their own businesses. Even when the business fell, with the American dream in mind, the father knew he must still provide for his family. The narrator is a little girl always playing with her brother. She realizes the way society works. She already despises when her mother calls her name in public knowing her name is worth nothing. With time going by fast she knows she must grow up as she is already doing. In “Drown” the American dream is shown more. The family moved from the Dominican Republic to New Jersey so the parents can provide a better life for their children. With only the narrator and his mother living together, they know they must work even harder to achieve greatness. The narrator realizes all his past mistakes and seemingly regrets what happened between him and Beto. He knows that the only thing he can do is move on. Both stories present these two

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