Similarities Between Hamlet And The Lion King

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Hamlet & Lion King

The Lion King and Hamlet have a storyline that is similar in many different ways. For example, Scar and Claudius are similar through the way that they betrayed and killed their own brother in order in order to become King. In The Lion King, Simba is visited by his father’s ghost, just as Hamlet is in the tragedy known as Hamlet. In the story of Hamlet, Hamlet is in love with Ophelia, but can not be with her due to the circumstances, like Nala and Simba in The Lion King. Although these stories contain many similarities, there are several differences shown through relationships and circumstances of the characters. The stories represent a time of death, disease, and decay. Both The Lion King and Hamlet contain characters that …show more content…

To overcome his jealousy, he betrays his own brother by letting him fall off of a cliff into a stampeding herd of wild animals. Scar’s final words to Mufasa were, “Long live the King” ( Similar to that of The Lion King, Claudius is extremely jealous of his brother, Old Hamlet, for his role as the King of Denmark. Claudius murders his brother by poisoning him during his sleep, in order for him to take over the role as King of Denmark. The stories contain a brother that is so consumed with jealousy, that he begins to feel that royalty is more important than family. The actions of both Scar and Claudius affect the characters of each story in several different ways, which in turn profoundly impacted the state of the …show more content…

In The Lion King, Simba fell in love with Nala. However, his father’s death impacted him in such a way that he fled Pride Rock in order to start over. Although both Nala and Simba shared the same feelings for one another, the circumstances throughout the movie did not allow them to be together for many years. In Hamlet, Ophelia and Hamlet feel a great amount of love towards one another, but are unable to be together due to the fact that Ophelia did not come from a royal name. However, the two stories differ in the way that Nala and Simba eventually find their way back to each other, while the death of Hamlet and Ophelia in Hamlet does not allow for them to end up

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