Similarities Between Antigone And A Streetcar Named Desire

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In the play, “Antigone” by Sophocles, and the play, A Streetcar Named Desire”, by Tennessee Williams, there is a direct connection between these two playwrights which can be recognized by an analytical reader. These playwrights are connected through the words of the characters they placed in their plays. Each of the characters had a specific role in conveying the theme of their plays. Another point which helps illustrate the connection between the two playwrights Sophocles and Tennessee Williams is that the ideas they present in their play are similar to each other.

One theme that is recognized in both of the plays “Antigone” by Sophocles and A Streetcar named Desire by Tennessee Williams is sexism. In both these plays the premise of gender inequality is questions. In the play, “Antigone”, by Sophocles, sexism is shown in an overt manner when Antigone breaks King Creon’s rule and she openly admits to disobeying him. In lines 70-73, Ismene says, You ought to realize we are only women, not meant in nature to fight agains men, and that we are ruled by those who are stronger. (Booth Mays 1131-1132) This line was stated by Ismene when Antigone was trying to convince her to go with her and disobey her uncle King Creon’s decree. This line was crucial in helping represent the …show more content…

This implies that losing to a woman or letting women be superior in any sort of way seems atrocious in this time period. Sexism in this play helps show the morals and values of the people who lived in Sophocles time period. When Sophocles wrote, this play he was expressing his internal thoughts and beliefs. He questioned authority, delved into the concept of morality, tried to prove that moral law is as important as social law. Sophocles’ question of authority is represented by Antigone as she blatantly disregards the civil law and goes forward to defend moral laws despite the circumstances she has to

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