Similarities And Differences Of The Mayans And Ancient Egypt

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Even though the Mayans and Egyptians thrived on opposite sides of the world, they had many similarities that one would not expect. They used similar methods for trade. Their rituals and religion seemed almost the same. Their agriculture and diet was stunningly similar. The Mayans inhabited Mesoamerica while the Egyptians settled in Egypt. While the Mayan empire started around 2600 BC, the Egyptian empire started at 3000 BC. The peak of the Mayans was around 400 AD while the peak of the Egyptians was around 1427 BC. The Mayans and the Egyptians had similarities and differences in trade. The Mayans traded precious stones such as jade and obsidian. The Egyptians had a river near their civilization which the Mayans did not have to benefit of. However, the isolated locations of each of the cultures made it especially difficult to trade. Also, both cultures used a writing form of hieroglyphics which would have aided in trade. Merchants in the ancient Mayan civilization would mostly trade luxury items such as art in the form of carvings. They also traded luxury foods such as cacao. Egypt was a center for trade in the region. Inspired by Hatshepsut's trades in Southwest Asia, merchants traded mostly metals such as gold and copper. …show more content…

Firstly, both cultures are polytheistic, or they worshipped multiple gods and goddesses. Both cultures also made pyramids for religious purposes. For the egyptians, the pyramids were for burying rulers. For the Mayans, the pyramids were for religious ceremonies. For the mayans, they buried their dead in their homes. The Mayans worshiped gods of nature including gods of the sun, moon, and even plants like maize. One of the most famous Mayan gods is Kukulkan, the feathered serpent, and would eventually be adapted by the Aztec and Olmec people into

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