Novel vs Film: Dissecting Character Portrayals

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Quick believed in satisfying his fans, so in return, he began production of a film based on the novel, which was released on November 16, 2012. The film thrived and was rewarded with an oscar, along with several other awards. Although they were both very successful, there were still many differences between the novel and the film. The main contrast between the two was the way each of the characters and relationships were portrayed in the novel compared to the film.
The novel begins with the main character, Pat, getting released from a mental health facility where he spent 4 years of his life. Pat soon comes up with a theory where he believes that his life is a movie produced by God. He concludes that in order for God to ensure he has …show more content…

As he was running he started to curse God for putting him through that then suddenly something slashed his shin and struck his face. He woke up curled in a ball with everything of value missing from his body. He saw only one house on the block that was
Silver Linings Playbook, by Matthew Quick, is one of the most raw and honest novels I have read throughout my time. The amount of heart and compassion put into his writing separates him from many other authors. Silver Linings Playbook was first published on September 2, 2008. His novel went on to captivate his audiences’ attention, and they begged for more. brightened with christmas decorations, so he decided to go there to for help. Once he knocked on the door, he saw his best friend from the mental institution, Danny, standing in the doorway.
After Danny realized that it was Pat he invited him in for some food. Once Danny’s Aunt saw Pat’s conditions she called 91 immediately. Pat’s mom, brother Jake and wife Caitlin all arrived to the hospital to assure Pat’s safety. His mother said that Tiffany called them from a pay phone, so they begun searching for him all throughout the city. Once Pat’s leg was put into a cast they returned

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