Comparison of the Movie and Book Of Mice and Men

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Comparison of the Movie and Book Of Mice and Men In Class we watched two movies based on a book we read called Of Mice and Men. Both of the movies were very similar to the book. In I was able to hear exact lines from the book in the two movies. In the book and in the second movie Curley's wife was not given a name. She was not given a name to symbolize that she was nothing more than a possession of Curley. Curley's wife was given a name in the first movie. Her name was May. I think that the first movie we watched best depicted her because of the way she dressed. Lennie was not much different between the book and the two movies. However I think that Lennie's disability was best depicted in the second movie. I think this because in the second movie they used a mentally challenged actor for Lennie's character. I think Lennie's size was best depicted in the first movie. I liked Curley best in the first movie. In that movie the actor who played him really looked the part. He looked like the sniveling little weasel that he really is. The clothes fit the part and the mu...

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