Significant Religious Places Essay

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The history, significant religious places, and the genealogy of religion are some of the evidences that can substantiate the ownership of Jews in the holy city of Jerusalem over the Christians and Muslims. One of the most valuable information that we bear in our life as we grow old is our birthplace. It is the place where we had our first breathe and even our first glimpse to the world. As important on how we value where we came from, one of the thoughts that is considered is which of the colliding religions originated from Jerusalem. Abraham, the founder of Judaism was sent by God to Israel, the country where Jerusalem was located, and a lot of Jewish history such as the binding of Abraham’s son, Isaac on Mt. Moriah; and the dream of Abraham’s grandson, Jacob about the ladder towards heaven took place in Jerusalem. The most compelling evidence is the Temple Mount, the Jews first temple built in the 825 BCE by King Solomon. On the other hand, scriptures on the Holy Bible revealed that Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, and grew up in Nazareth, which are both cities in Israel. The significance of holy city for the Christians is that it is the place where Christ died and resurrected. Moreover, the first Christian church constructed in the Jerusalem after the destruction of the second temple of the Jews …show more content…

All of the Judaism’s religious sites are located only in Jerusalem such as the Western (Wailing) Wall, and the Temple Mount. Contrariwise, Islam’s holiest places are Mecca and Medina, which were associated with Mohammed’s life; and Jerusalem was only on the third spot with its Dome of Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. On the contrary, Christianity has several vital religious places such as the Jerusalem for the most Christians, and also several churches and temples depending on the teachings of a group, like the Vatican City for the

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