Should the cord blood of babies be stored for future use?

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The umbilical cord has a vital role in keeping babies alive in the womb but could help cure a range of diseases and injuries (2010, Weaver). The umbilical cord contains a rich souse of stem cells, which are valuable because they can regenerate and fix human tissue. Some cells also have the ability to turn into different types of cells. Scientist believes with these ‘master’ cells they will be able to treat a wide range of disorders such as cancer, auto-immune diseases and arthritis. Storing the cord blood of new born babies could be a lifesaver to children’s that may become sick in their young age or it may just be a waste of money in the end, with currently only 1 in 41,000 (1% ) Australian mothers have chosen to bank their child’s cord blood.
Cord blood is found in the blood that is remaining in a new born baby’s umbilical cord and placenta once the umbilical cord has been cut. In cord blood there is a variety of different cells found. But mainly contains an excessive amount of stem cells. Cells are found in all organisms, they function your body. Stem cells are a different type of cells that have the ability to function healing and growth. Stem cells separate and form in a way that changes single fertilised eggs into living organisms. Stem cells have two main features, they have the ability to self-replicate (form more stem cells). Stem cells can also develop into different types of cells such as muscle, nerve, immune or blood cells. Stem cells main role in the body is to heal the human body from any injuries or diseases. As stem cells can heal the body’s injuries and many more features, the stem cells found in the cord blood are been used for transplants or in bone marrow (stem cells are also found in bone marrow) and also to...

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... family history or genetics that show a higher percentage rate that your child is going to get sick and be in need of stem cells found in the cord blood of babies. Scientist are discovering more ways everyday how stem cells from the cord blood can save peoples life from many common diseases in the future, but in this current decade in Australia there is not a lot of uses for cord blood available (due to restrictions) yet but in the near future it will be a valuable source that will save many young children’s life and help them live a longer healthier life. So the important thing is for current near to be parents to make an informed choice. You need to know the benefits and disadvantages plus costs of cord blood banking before you make any decisions as it may not be complete necessary in this current decade if your child is not prone to genetic disease.


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