Should We Sleep Research Paper

700 Words2 Pages

The average human sleeps 229,961 hours, or one third, of his or her lives. Infants sleep about 16 hours a day, teens sleep an average nine hours a day, and adults seven-eight hours a day. We are told sleep makes everything better. Why do humans need sleep? What goes on in our body when we sleep? There are many different reasons why humans need sleep such as to regain our mental conditions, muscle tissue gets restored, and sleep strengthens our memories. Scientists have found the ultimate sleep pattern. As a human starts to relax, they enter stage one, where the brain waves are somewhat low and fast. This is the stage where you are half asleep-half awake. Normally people who go into this stage bob their head if they are sitting or standing up. Stage two starts to occur right after Stage one. In this short stage, human slow brain waves can last forty to sixty minutes. Next comes REM sleep, which means rapid eye movement. While you are asleep, the eyes start moving around rapidly and uncontrollably. …show more content…

Sleep is an important anabolic process. Enough sleep restores energy. Sleep helps people function quicker and helps people be aware and fully energized. During sleep, your muscle tissues are rebuilt. There is also a hormone produced when people sleep that helps children grow, but it’s also important for adults. Sleep also affects someone's mood and personality. Also, while someone sleeps, their memories are strengthened. (Msnbc). Sleep actually spark a change in someone's brain and helps improve the memories, strengthening the cells of that part of the brain. Sleep also helps us be creative with new ideas and can enforce a person to learn something new while they sleep. (Improve). Not getting enough sleep can result in inflammation. Inflammation causes disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and premature aging. People who have less that six hours of sleep a night are more likely to have higher blood levels.

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