Should We Get Rid Of Sports Be Paid In School?

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Some sports are expensive, and some are not. From brand-new Bleachers, to painting the grass on fields, sports are expensive. Sports are taking away money that could be used for educational purposes such as field trips, and repairing or buying new computers and other technology for the whole school to use. Sports are expensive to maintain, and they make school start earlier, so athletes can practice in daylight after school. Sports have gone too far. One reason schools should get rid of sports is that sports are expensive, and they make school start earlier in the morning. Sports are very expensive, and take away money that could be used for better things to help the school, or to help you. There are schools out there that have all sports teams, but their school is a disaster, and with the money they get from canceling sports, they can repair their school. Sports are taking away money from your education. Also, sports makes school start earlier in the morning, so everyone has to get up earlier because of sports. Studies have shown that kids who get more sleep to better in school, but waking up earlier, will take away the sleep that the kids need to do well in school, resulting in …show more content…

Sports distracts kids from school work, and keeps them from focusing on homework or studying for a test. When there's a big game coming up, athletes are practicing a lot, and don't have time to do any homework or study for a test. All the fans go to the games too, and they can’t study or do homework either. Sports are distracting kids from school work, and is lowering their grades. Also sports can also cause bad injuries to kids if they aren't careful. Thousands of kids around the world are injured because of sports. Sports can hurt kids if they aren't careful about what they are doing. Sports can distract kids from school work, and injures kids who aren't

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