Should Smoking Be Banned Essay

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Should Smoking Be Banned?
Smokers should have their right to smoke, but should they be able to harm other people? Smokers are killing themselves slowly, along with others, because of the second-hand smoke coming from these cigarettes: as the average person takes a breath of air, the smoke polluting the air is inhaled. This is harming the non-smokers’ lungs due to the fact that the smoker is smoking in public. The environment is being destroyed by these little things all because people are smoking in public places. Unfortunately our quality of life is being harmed by the lack of consideration of others because smoking is still allowed in public areas. Smoking should be banned in public places because it causes respiratory problems, lung cancer, and oral cancer. It affects others within the area, and pollutes public places making them undesirable.
Smokeless tobacco is still harmful. Smoking causes bad breath and discoloration in fingernails and teeth along with other dental problems. Oral cancer risks are increased. Cancer of the gum, mouth, pharynx, larynx, and the esophagus. Chewing smokeless tobacco is just as bad, or worse, than smoking a cigarette. A nicotine dependence is developed quicker through smokeless tobacco, than through smoking tobacco. Nicotine causes long-term cardiovascular harm by increasing ones heart rate. As well as all of the other cancers involved with smoking. Weight gain comes with trying to quit smoking. Nicotine harms outweigh the benefits. These effects are bad enough, but they harm only the user. Smoking, on the other hand, harms others as well.
Second-hand smoke affects others around the smoker. Nine out of ten adults know that second-hand smoking affects children and infants. Still, they continues t...

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...effects of banning all tobacco, and nicotine products will do more harm than good.
Smokers are killing themselves. That’s their choice, but does that give us the right to take their right to smoke away? Secondhand smoke may be harmful to everyday people, but there is plenty of other air toxics, and pollutants out there that can cause the same problem as secondhand smoking does. Smoking should be banned in scattered areas. Playgrounds are a huge one. Children are not fully developed and should not be exposed to secondhand smoke. Unfortunately our quality of life is being harmed by the lack of consideration of others because smoking is still allowed in public areas. Smoking should be banned in scattered places because it causes respiratory problems, lung cancer, and oral cancer. It affects others within the area, and pollutes public places making them undesirable.

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