Why We Shouldn T Smoke Persuasive Essay

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When people are stressed, wouldn’t they suffer more if they smoke? Cigarettes hold many diseases and illness to a person's body, it’s so serious that it also affects other people around you, therefore people who smoke should stop in order to live a happy and healthy life.

One reason why people shouldn’t smoke cigarettes is that it causes disease and illness

to people who smoke. Smoking can affect people's cardiovascular system. Which means that it targets the heart, lungs, and other parts of your body. According to the American Lung Association, people in the U.S. who suffer from at least one serious illness caused by smoking. Smoking cigarettes is responsible for 90 percent of people who die from lung cancer. A cigarette contains 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of which are known to cause cancer. Smoking has been shown to be dangerous to people's health. That is why people should stop smoking and be more careful with their health.

Another reason why people shouldn’t smoke cigarettes is because of secondhand smoking. Secondhand smoking affects other people who don’t smoke causing more deaths. From the American Cancer Society, about 2.5 million people who don’t smoke die from the exposure to secondhand smoke. People who don’t smoke suffer more from inhaling all the chemicals that are in a cigarette. Secondhand smoke is known to be more dangerous …show more content…

Smoking when stressed just makes the person suffer more. From the Cleveland Clinic, it is said that the nicotine in a cigarette releases a chemical that makes a person feel calm in their mental state but in physical state they suffer more. Blood pressure and heart rate increase, muscles become tense, blood vessels constrict, and not enough oxygen for the brain and body to be healthy. It’s an illusion, smoking doesn’t change the situation at all when stressed. If you are stressed, there are many ways to cope with it other than

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