Should Shakespeare Be Taught In Schools Essay

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-Should Shakespeare be taught in a ninth grade class? Shakespeare's famous Romeo and Juliet expresses love and drama. Shakespeare’s language is not always easily picked up , but that is NOT the point for not teaching it. Shakespeare is an important part of history. His plays have violence which everyone is interested in. Also he uses timeless themes and emotions in his stories that are still relevant today, he explains his character’s point of view, their struggles and reasons without being judgmental. His stories are remarkable with complex story plots that show cause and effect. Some people call Shakespeare a fraud, but regardless of whether or not he is, the works have shaped the english language and pioneered their genres. Why shouldn’t we study this? The fault lies with the schools for not making the unit interesting enough. We are currently doing an assignment on this very issue. And though their will still be people who hate it, it is a more interesting way of exploring Shakespeare’s works and contributions to the english language. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with his works being taught in schools you can not say his works hold no importance to the english language or society. Shakespeare has managed to summarize human behaviors and feelings in a few …show more content…

People don’t like reading Shakespeare because it is to hard to understand or even to read. Well that is really the point of teaching it. It help us understand what you can do with english language or even different types of english. Shakespeare challenges us to study and observe the history of english. It shows us how english came to be what it is now and what it used to be. We learn the history of things to make us learn from the mistakes or accomplishments of something like english. We use this knowledge of history to prevent the same mistakes or to prolong the success of

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