Sexual Education in Schools: A Controversial Necessity

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The debate on whether sexual education should be taught in schools has been going on for decades. Large numbers of teachers and parents believe that sexual education should come from the parents and not teachers. There is a small number of teachers and parents who believe that both schools and parents should teach sexual education. Sexual education needs to be in schools so teens can get the right facts in areas that their parents do not know and help reduce the number of consequences of sex before marriage.

Since March 2016 all states have been involved with sexual education. Twenty four states require public schools to teach sexual education. Thirty-three state require students to receive education on HIV and AIDS. Only twenty states require that if sexual education is provided that it be accurate information being taught, this means that the department of health will review the curriculum. Sexual education is taught in schools to help bring down teen pregnancies and number of teens with STDs. The number of teen pregnancies have gone down through the years however, the United State still has the highest teen pregnancy rate. The program is meant to try and keep teens from having sex, they cannot do that but they can to. The program is meant to warn them …show more content…

These parents teach their own teens sexual education and want to know what they are being taught. Most students have questions that they are not comfortable with asking their parents. Students need to feel comfortable with the person who is teaching the sexual education class, so they can ask question that they are embarrassed to ask their parents. Students already want to know more about sexual education from the sexual education class they are already in. Students whose parents teach them about sexual education do not want to ask someone they live with these questions and they may ask a friend , the friend could give false

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