Should School Officials Respond To Cyberbullying Essay

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Should School Officials Respond To Cyberbullying Cyberbullying has been going around since social media started to evolve and has made a great impact in the lives of teenagers as well as children. Cyberbullying is a way where teenagers harass others by sending them vulgar language as well as calling them names. It has gone to an extreme where the teenagers do not feel comfortable going back school, so they take what they think is the “easy way out” and end their life or get revenge on their harassers that leads to a school shooting. People are between two positions: whether school officials’ should take an act towards cyberbullying or not. Cyberbullying happens at any time and any place in a child’s or teenager’s life and majority of the time it is a classmate that harasses the victim. Therefore, school officials’ should respond to cyberbullying whether it happens in campus or off campus. Cyberbullying …show more content…

For instance, Willard mentioned the Tinker v. Des case and how the Court stated that “students should not ‘shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate’”. However, the court also admitted, “‘the special characteristics of the school environment’ by permitting school officials to prohibit student speech if that speech ‘would substantially interfere with the work of the school or impinge upon the rights of other students’” (Willard). For this reason, school officials’ should react to cyberbullying because the victim feels insecure at school and this can lead to the students to do poorly in their schoolwork as well as not attending to class. School officials’ can prevent a tragedy from a school shooting or a student’s death. If school officials notice the student being distracted from their schoolwork because of cyberbullying, then they should try to stop the cyberbullying even if it had happened off

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