Should Parents Limit Screen Time

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Why Parents Should Limit Screen Time 87% of kids ages twelve to seventeen are online or have access to the internet. When used properly, the internet can have many benefits and advantages. It can be used as a learning tool and can help students perform better in school. This also means that kids are constantly being exposed to this dangerous web of information. If technology and the internet aren’t used right, they can be hazardous to a child. The internet has many disadvantages and is the base of many problems we see occurring today. This constant exposure to the internet is also affecting child development. Some of the differences we have seen are: kids brains are being wired differently, they’re bodies are forming differently, and …show more content…

Technology has many positive aspects and can help improve scores and school performances but also has a major effect on many problems we see occurring today. Connections have been made between obesity rates and technology; children and teens relationships with their parents and peers aren’t as stable and previous generations have been. Technology and the internet influence child development. Children have a different development process today than previous generations have had. Their brains are being wired differently, they are growing up in a very different environment then our parent and their parents did. Kids these days tend to turn to technology and don’t feel the need for books. Our brains would rather have the fast paced and distracting internet then a slow paced, and imaginative book. This is an example of the different views today’s youth has compared to the last generation's youth. Youth today spend way more time than necessary on the internet and their devices which cause them to view everything very differently. They get distracted much easier and tend to not care much about the real world and anything that doesn’t have to do with technology. As a solution to all of these recurring problems, screen time should be limited. If kids avoid technology until at least two, then spend only twenty minutes a day on the internet and stick to educational games and videos, children would develop completely. If we don’t try and stop this now, the next generations are going to face bigger and worse problems than what we see happening today. We need to teach people to limit themselves and spend more time working on their social and mental health and the environment. Overall, technology has benefitted and worsened our generation, but if we take the time and effort to fix these problems, we can solve this issue and help the upcoming

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