Should Colleges Make Classes For Students Mandatory?

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Many students that go to college miss class for many different reasons. Some reasons for missing class are acceptable and should be handled accordingly. Colleges should get on board and create a mandatory attendance policy. Creating this will help avoid many problems in the future for the student. This change will be beneficial for the students and professors. Colleges should make classes for students mandatory because they will learn more, the students will not waste personal or government funded money, and the students will be better prepared for upcoming assignments. Students in college will learn a lot more if they go to class. Students cannot learn from home if everyone else is in class. In college, students learn from peers and their professors. Professors have vital information for their students and the students cannot receive that information if they are skipping class. Research shows that when a student misses more school than their peers they do not perform as well on tests (Ginsburg 2014). Students need to be in class to learn because eventually they will graduate with a degree and know nothing. It is not fair for the future work force to not be properly prepared because when they were students they did not go to class. Students going to class will better America because the …show more content…

Many students are funded by the government and that is funded by tax payer’s dollars. There is nothing wrong with being government funded but one cannot think that tax payers would be okay with students wasting their money. College is expensive and if the student does not go to class and fails that is a huge waste of money. Part of the united states debt is with student loans and the government giving out free money to students. The government funding students is an awesome thing, but the student should not be wasting the money that the country is going in debt

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