Should Children Be Allowed To Participation Trophies?

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Participation trophies are a serious problem! They are ruining our future. Participation trophies make kids believe that they can get free stuff from doing little to no work. This makes people wonder, should organizations give out participation trophies? Kids should not get participation trophies because that means that kids are getting praise without doing much to earn it and that won’t help them in life, this will prepare them for what society has to throw at them, and even though people might think they are sentimental, but people will soon just forget about them. Participation trophies are harming our kids because they are teaching our children that in the future, they don’t have to work hard for what they want. According to an article by Vivian Diller, “After studying children's coping and resilience mechanisms for over 40 years, Stanford researcher Carol Dweck states that too much praise may lead to less …show more content…

According to an article written by Corey Turner, “And that’s when it occurred to me: I don’t know what happened to my full shelf of participation trophies.” This proves that if the participation trophies had been important to him, then he would have known where they would have been. People can go years without knowing where their so-called “important” participation trophies are. In a passage written by Vivian Diller, “Outside of collecting dust and decorating childhood rooms, have these plaques and trophies served any real purpose?” This is a good point, explaining that participation trophies are just decorations that try to impress people, but they don’t. The only thing that participation trophies are good for is collecting dust and getting in the way when cleaning. Participation trophies are a waste of space and money, so they should stop being

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