Shonal Arches by Nazneen Sadiq

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Everyone has the tendency to think or act immaturely when something does not happen the way they wanted it to. How people behave and develop in such situations can uncover hidden sides and the true inner self of their character. The changes that occur to them through conflict can depict how mature they really are. Nazneen Sadiq’s story “Shonar Arches” shows the impact on a character’s maturity as a result of the main conflict. The happy resolution of Amit’s conflict shows how through time, even a rude little boy can mature into becoming a gentleman. In the story, how the conflict grew and resolved was the reason for Amit’s great change of attitude. The conflict was introduced to the reader when Amit’s mother announced that his dida was coming to visit them in Canada, which was at the inciting incident. He was constantly being nagged by his mother about cleaning his room, and he felt that she was making too much fuss over his dida’s arrival. The development of the conflict carries on as the rising action begins. Amit’s dida arrives in Canada, and his life has been changed drastically. His parents started to spend so much time with dida that they no longer had time for him. He begins to feel jealous for this lack of attention he was receiving, from not just his parents, but from his dida as well. One day, Amit suggests that the family should go out for dinner at McDonalds, which lead to the climax of the story. After starting to eat their meals, Amit’s conflict is finally resolved as his dida ate and fell in love with the Big Mac. She began to talk to Amit, and targeted all her food-related questions towards him, making him feel more grown up and important. With this newly obtained confidence, he realized that he was starting to lik... ... middle of paper ... ...o him, and help others. Finally, after getting home, Dida presented Amit with a gift: a photo of her young self, holding an ice-cream cone. Feeling touched by receiving this gift, Amit gives her a gift as well: a bluish-purple stone with a yellow streak to remind her of him. Through all of this, Amit has shown how over a short period of time spent with someone can cause their negative traits to turn around, a hundred and eighty degrees, and become positive. In conclusion, Amit has proven to be a rude little boy who was able to become a gentleman, despite how negatively he had originally felt about his grandmother’s presence. Through these changes, it is evident how much he had mentally matured, with his new, open views of his grandmother. Her unexpected arrival had allowed the boy’s true inner self to be revealed as his character developed and grew in the situation.

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