Shawshank Redemption Reflection

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As I was sitting home on a rainy day I watched the movie, The Shawshank Redemption that starred Tim Robbins as Andy and Morgan Freeman as Red. The movie is about a banker name Andy Dufresney who is sent to prison for murdering his wife and her lover that he claims he did not do. In prison Andy became friends with a black prisoner name Red. One day while in the laundry room Andy overheard one of the guards (Guard Hadley) talking about taxes on an inheritance he’s about to receive. Andy told guard Hadley how he could avoid paying so much in tax money. After he helped save Guard Hadley a lot of money, it didn’t take long for the word to spread about how good Andy was with finances. Soon other guards at Shawshank and other prisons came to Andy for financial advice. Once Warden Norton learned of this he made Andy launder money under an alias name Randall Stephens.
After almost 20 years in prison a prisoner name Tommy Williams is locked up for burglary. He becomes friends with Andy and Red. After learning about certain details in Andy's case, Tommy explains to Andy that one of the inmates at another prison admitted to committing a similar murder, stating Andy must be innocent. Andy tried to tell Warden Norton about the information he had just learned, but the warden refused to listen. Warden Norton has Guard Hadley murder Tommy, saying he was trying to escape and put Andy in solitary confinement. While in solitaire Andy dreamed of living in a Mexican town. He shares this dream with his friend Red, but Red ignores him because he thinks Andy is suffering from delusions. Andy tells Red if he ever get free, to go visit a specific place near Buxton to look for a special package.
One day at roll call the guards found Andy's cell ...

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... He even had prisoner Tommy shot in order to protect his financial and personal interest. Head guard Hadley abuses his power by intimidating, beating and killing some of the prisoners.
I think the writer used a utilitarian approach in this movie because certain decisions are based on consequences and the ends justify the means. Making Andy launder money, but then when Andy escapes he takes the money and sends back evidence to convict Norton of money laundering. Guard Hadley abusing his power by intimidating the prisoners to do right, but Red was smuggling things inside the prison right under his nose to make trades with the other prisoners. Yes, I believe the writer gave satisfactory resolution to the moral issues because I think most some people may see these things as unethical but most people will see it as justice being served to the warden and guard.

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