Is Andy Dufresne Sacrifice In The Shawshank Prison?

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In 1947, Andy Dufresne, a banker in Maine, is sentenced for killing his wife and her lover. He is given two lifelong incarcerations and sent to the famously brutal Shawshank Prison. Andy always claimed that he was innocent, but his personality led a lot of people to doubt him. Ellis Redding, also known as Red, placed a wager against other prisoners that Andy would be the first one to break, which lost him a lot of money and cigarettes because it wasn’t the case. The first person to break was a prisoner that was beaten up by the prison guards and was left without medical attention. Later on in the movie, Andy confronts Red, who runs contraband inside the walls of Shawshank. He asks Red if he could supply him with a pick axe, and claims that …show more content…

Before long, in the wake of approaching Red for "Rita Hayworth", Andy again experienced the Sisters’ brutal beating, which led him to being in the prison infirmary for a month. Boggs, the leader of "The Sisters", was sent to solitary, and after getting out in a week, Hadley and his men beat him so badly that he was left paralyzed, which led to him being transferred to a prison hospital upstate, and the Sisters never bothered Andy again. When Andy got out of the infirmary, he found a bunch of rocks and a poster of Rita Hayworth in his cell that were gifts from Red and his buddies. Warden Samuel Norton heard about Andy helping Hadley and organize a random cell search at Andy’s. The warden meets Andy transfers him to work at the prison library with Brooks Hatlen and gave him a desk in order to help the guards and himself with banking issues. Andy eventually ends up doing Norton's taxes. Not long a while later, Brooks, the old custodian, undermines to slaughter an alternate detainee, Heywood, with a specific end goal to abstain from being paroled. Andy has the capacity talk him down and Brooks is then paroled. Brooks was then allowed to leave the prison which ended up with him committing suicide, as he couldn’t accustom with the outside

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