Shadows On The Wall by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

2011 Words5 Pages

Shadows On The Wall by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Dan Roberts: Dan is the main character in Shadows On The Wall . He is

constantly seeing and feeling some very strange things on his vacation . Every

morning he takes a jog very early around Micklegate Bar . He also makes a

new friend on his journey to York , England . Dan is 15 years old .

Joe Stanton: Joe is a cab driver . He and Dan become really good friends . Joe

is an old but wise man in many ways . He also takes Dan to see all the sites in

York and drives all the people around , but mostly the people staying at the

Hotel .

Ambrose Faw: He was the leader in the Faw family . He and Joe are also very

good friends and they have known each other for almost the whole lives .

Rose: Rose was married to Ambrose and had four kids . She is also a psychic

like her mother . She is a very kind person .

Nat: Nat was Ambrose’s son . He wants to leave the gypsy clan and have

adventures when he grows up . He and Dan become good friends and Nat

shows Dan around their camp . Nat also keeps bothering Dan because he

wants to trade for Dan’s belt , but Dan said no because it is the only belt he

brought with him . In the end they end up trading anyway .

Jasper: He is Ambrose’s oldest son . He is also a mute , but he could talk when

he was younger . One day he came running out of the woods scared and never

talked again . Dan sometimes hears him singing in the woods . When he told

Joe he said it was more like a chant . Dan has also seen Jasper turn into a type

of monster with lime-green hair . Jasper is always staring at Dan .

Orlenda: Orlenda is Nat’s older sister , she is often looking at Dan . Her

grandmother thinks that she is going to run away with a gorgio . The

grandmother considers Dan a gorgio . She barely talks to him but they are

always near each other .

Granny: the granny is Rose’s mother and she can tell the future . She believes

that everyone of the gypsies have a special power . She also knew exactly

when she was going to die and she was right .

Rachel: Rachel is the youngest of Rose’s children and doesn’t do much in the

book but help around with the little things .

Mr. Roberts: He is Dan’s dad . All through the book he is acting very

strangely on the entire trip

Mrs. Roberts: She is Dan’s mom , she is also acting very strangely and her and

her husband are kee...

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... into the soldiers face

he turned Joe .They were both dripping with sweat and they sat there and

talked until sunrise . In the moring the other gypsy clan came and they

finished the funeral and burned the granny’s things . After Dan and Joe ate

they left because Joe knew that they wanted to be alone . On the way home

Dan told Joe about how he saw Ambrose in the tower and that he was getting

soil . Then Joe told Dan that the old woman wasn’t born in the

gardens(Museum Gardens).Before Dan had left the camp he traded his belt

with Nat for an old Romany coin . That was the last day Dan was in York .

When he got back to the hotel he took a shower then went to sleep . When his

Parents got back They all packed and left . That night Ambrose went to the

hotel and asked for Dan but Mrs. Harrison told him that they left . After

Ambrose left the hotel he went to the stream and threw Dan’s belt in the

deepest part of the water . That is how the book ends .

VII. This was a really good book . There were some boring parts , but most of

it was good . There were some really good parts in this book , and there were

alot of adventurous parts . I think the ending is very confusing .

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