Sex Trafficking: The Role Of Prostitution In China

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The People's Republic of China has been a country where women and children are tricked into sex trafficking within China and from offers abroad. Trafficking involves the recruitment, transportation and transfer of a person with the means of exploiting them (United Nations Palermo Protocol to Prevent, 2000). Imagine getting an offer of employment in a foreign country and coerced into prostitution at the border. Skilled international criminal rings and local gangs play key roles in both internal and cross-border trafficking. According to China's Ministry of Public Security, trafficking is most pronounced among China's internal migrant population, which is estimated to exceed 150 million people. As established in this report, the impact of human trafficking is destructive; however there are many possible solutions that can be carried out to combat this crisis. This report will outline questions being raised concerning this issue, the involved parties and their view points, the possible solutions and their consequences, as well as my recommended solution that I believe will be most practical in overcoming this matter …show more content…

To begin, it is clear that there are extremely high numbers of women and children in China that have been subjected to sex trafficking and it is hard to find a solution to this issue. Do governments have a responsibility to equally protect both genders? Doesn't an undocumented immigrant deserve to be trafficked, since they're already breaking the law? Should women and children be able to be protected in such a way because they have moral rights? Do people except sex trafficking because they are scared for themselves? Does the rightness of the actions have a balance of good and bad? What role has the one child policy played in created a demand for brides? Is this the only cause or is rural poverty and devaluing women equally

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