Sex Trafficking In Russia Research Paper

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Sex trafficking in Russia is a problem because the government looks the other way or is bribed to ignore the issue. The solution to this problem is start a program for sex trafficking victims with the government involved so the victims aren’t treated like criminals. These victims need to be able to go to the police or a government agency and tell them what happened and they need to address the problem. Young people need to be informed of the situation in Russia because that is how they keep getting victims. Women are promised a better education or a free education or a better job or more money and they go to Russia from other countries and they end up as victims in sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is a problem because the government looks the …show more content…

Mostly in Russia it is where the sex slaves are brought to and get into sex trafficking, they are then shipped or sold to another pimp or leader of sex trafficking to another country. The Russian government ignore the issue meaning the government needs to recognize there is a problem and start a program a rehab center for the women who have been put in this situation. They need to talk to other women who know what they’ve been through so they know they aren’t alone. Women especially women put in a situation like this need companionship and to have a conversation about what has happened to them so it doesn’t happen to other women. There needs to be some kind of program to put these victims through rehab and they need to talk about it. This issue would be solved if people were more aware of the problem they wouldn’t go to Russia to get a better education and wouldn’t be promised a better job. These women are being tortured in one word. These girls are sex slaves and quite a few of them are involved involuntarily. Although some women do end up in it voluntarily to better whomever for the purpose of money to keep someone else

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