Serial Killers: Nature Vs. Nurture

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Plato once said, “For good nurture, and education implant good constitutions.” When a child is raised in a safe environment with loving parents who are able to provide them with everything the child needs, what would influence them to bring harm onto others if they are not raised in a harmful or unhealthy environment? On the other hand, children who are raised in an unhealthy home, with verbal, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse from either a parent, sibling, or relative, how are they supposed to know it is not right to do those actions onto others? The way a child is treated from infancy through adolescence influences them for the rest of their life. What they witness, what they are taught, what they hear, what they experience will depict …show more content…

Majority of serial killers grew up in an abusive household. Growing up in an abusive home life can majorly affect a person’s developing personality, and morals. When a child is brought into a world where they are abused, or mistreated, that will influence their decisions later in life. If they are only treated poorly by the ones who are supposed to nurture and care for them, how are they supposed to know that it is not okay to do those things to others? Serial killers are known for growing out of disturbed or abusive childhoods. They either seek repeat or avenge all the wrongs done to them, and usually target those who harmed them. (Kureshi 2). The author of this article discusses how serial killers grow out of unhealthy childhoods. When they have mistreated their entire life, they want to get their revenge on whoever hurt them. Children depend solely on their parents. They are the ones who brought them into this world, everything they do will affect their child. The relationship between the two is very fragile and is easy to manipulate. Each parent must be ready to realize both the physical, and psychological repercussions of their behavior onto their children, or anyone dependent on them. (Kureshi 3). Parents almost complete control over a child’s development. Their decisions, their actions, their words will all have some sort …show more content…

A person is the way they are based on their childhood. People who have a happy childhood, with loving and caring parents, tend to have a happy adulthood. On the other hand, people who had a poor childhood, with disapproval of their own parents, usually do the same to their children or others around them, sometimes contributing to their murders. Infancy is one of the more important stages in a person’s development. Without proper care, and attention, it can have major consequences. Infancy is one of the most fragile and important stages in the development of a human and their emotions. Infancy is a crucial period for the proper development of emotions for the adult personality. (Vronsky 2004). The first twelve months of a person’s life are critical in the development of emotions like remorse and affection. When a child does not receive adequate attention and physical contact during their first twelve months, they could suffer personality disorders in their future. (Freeman 2). When a child does not get enough love, and affection from their parents, they will end up lacking in the ability to show affection or remorse. If they are not taught that from infancy, they will not learn it. Infancy is a crucial period in everyone’s life, and it should be taken with a serious, but gentle hand. As infancy can have major effects on the developing adult personality, childhood trauma can

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