Sergio Canavero Essay

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Sergio Canavero, an Italian neurosurgeon, has long made clear his goal to perform the first human head transplant. But recently, the likelihood of actually removing a patient’s head and attaching it to a donor body has skyrocketed. Canavero has found one man, Valery Spiridonov, willing to volunteer his own head, and a location in which he can perform the risky procedure before the end of the year (Lamont). But is Spiridonov’s consent fully informed, or is an ambitious doctor taking advantage of a desperate man? Canavero is working outside the jurisdiction of any ethical review boards, as he plans to perform the experiment in China. Based on Canavero’s pride and Spiridonov’s own words, I find it disturbingly likely that Canavero has not given …show more content…

Furthermore, there are millions of neurons that will be severed during the procedure; even if Spiridonov survives, there is little hope for improvement over his current limited muscle control. Previous studies performed on animals show minimal success, but this seems to have no impact on his optimism. Perhaps most alarmingly, Spiridonov decided to offer himself up in the “no more than 15 minutes [spent] on Google to find Canavero’s email address” (Lamont). These statements leave no doubt that Spiridonov is not only desperate for help, but is blind to the dangers of this …show more content…

Instead, Canavero takes advantage of his patient’s desperation, overstating his own expertise and encouraging unrealistic expectations of success. While this particular case may be out of reach to most of us, we future physicians must remember to keep our focus on our patients, not the

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