Senator Huey Long's One Man A King

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Senator Huey long on February 23rd, 1934, delivered his “Every Man a King” (Long, 1934)

speech purposing his “share our wealth plan." The radio broadcast entailed that no single person

can have a net-worth of 300 times the family average, which is 15,000 dollars, thus

capping the maximum amount of personal wealth to between 5 and 8 million dollars

. The issues with the speech are the oversimplification of how the debt is evaluated and

handled within the United States Treasury.

Mr. Long starts out by explaining how much debt there is by claiming “We have in America

today, Ladies and Gentlemen… $272,000,000,000 of debt [owed by] various people in

this country today.” (Long, 1934, pg. 4) This quote is an over exaggeration according

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