Secular Worldview Essay

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The secular worldview of how civilization was formed, is believed that there were different stages of humans. The fist was the hominids, they existed in Africa 3 to 4 million years ago. Then came the Homo erectus, which is when they believe humans began to stand upright. Around 250,000 years ago the emergent of the Homo sapiens began, these were considered wise humans. Sometime between 50,000 and 100,000 years later the first anatomically modern humans, which are know as Homo sapiens sapiens appeared in Africa.
The Christian worldview of how civilization began, was formed by God. In the bible, the book of Genesis explains that God created the earth and everything on it. Genesis 1:26-2:23 explains how God made humankind in his own image. God created man out of dust and blew life into him and then he existed and he was good. Unlike the secular point of view, where it is believed man slowly evolved from human like creatures called hominids. …show more content…

The secular belief is that in the beginning in the Paleolithic Age men and women had equally important responsibilities for gathering food. Scientists believed that there was a rough equality between men and women until the Neolithic Revolution. During the Neolithic Revolution, more women stayed closer to home to work and take care of the children and work outside of the home began to be perceived as more important work than the work that was done at home. Thus making the role of men more dominant over women in the human society. Ultimately resulting in patriarchy, a pattern we see in our own times. In the bible Genisis 2:18 says, “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Then God put man into a deep sleep, took one of his ribs, and created woman from his rib. This is why it is believe man is the head of household and to be the leader of the

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