Religion In Brave New World Essay

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Religious Repression

In what ways do countries differing religions affect our ever changing society? Does our diversity, combined with our lack of resources and overpopulation, ensure constant violence? I believe that the religious persecution of certain nations has been nothing more than denial of a human right. In Brave New World, Huxley predicts an all powerful government: “the world state”. The world state controls its people from creation, to cremation. With multiple emotion inducing elements in society to balance the distaste that had originally been tied to religion, society has no conflict. “There isn't any need for a civilized man to bear anything that's seriously unpleasant. And as for doing things–Ford forbid that he should get …show more content…

want to achieve a perfect society with one solid societal structure. Having multiple religions creates conflict, wherever you are in the world. People can not agree to disagree, or in other words, keep their business’s separate. The conflict between religions, can create a larger conflict between other groups of people that follow or support these conflicting religions. When this happens, a country can erupt into a massive power struggle, much like how WWII began. In Brave New World, The World State use a calendar which takes the year 1908 AD 0 AF-After Ford as it’s starting point. This is relevant because it was the first year the Model T automobile was produced by Ford. "All crosses had their tops cut and became T's. There was also a thing called God. We have the World State now. And Ford's Day celebrations, and Community Sings, and Solidarity Services." The world state controls their people with a government religion. Everyone follows the same beliefs, standards, and activities. This affected society massively, because it removed conflict. Unification is a utopian quality that many countries of today want to be their reality. Countries who want to achieve perfection can not leave such a potent flaw in their society. If they unify their people under one religion, it will not only strengthen society, but also will affect government, and in turn the world affairs. Their …show more content…

If it could be used as metaphorical strainer for society, religious repression could cleanse large groups of people of possible conflict. Huxley has shown us what could be the darkest possibility for our future. If certain events happen in our world to cause another communist revolution in our world, if they succeed, we could very likely be ending up in one of Huxleys prophecies. However we end up with the unfortunate reality that in our world, religious persecution will only cause people to either escape their government’s persecution, that has at points lead to essentially brainwashing atheistic ideology, forced imprisonment or banishment, and even execution by the

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