Secret Healer Essay

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As an exploration into the ways shamanism is shown in movies and dramas along with comparing and contrasting how shamans are shown based on gender and time period, three pictures have been chosen. The Wailing, a movie, involves a male shaman in a modern time period in the countryside of South Korea (Suh). Secret Healer, a historical drama, centers around shamans who help the queen conceive children as well as try to help take care of one of the children who is cursed due to black magic (Suh). How pop culture depicts shamans today and in the past provides insight into whether or not Koreans think the average person would believe in shamans and how shamanism is viewed in their minds. Beginning with The Wailing, the film is not a positive depiction of shamans. The plot for this film is centered around a ghost that, in search for the blood of the villagers, causes certain members of the community to break out into a tell-tale rash and kill their families (Suh). Jong-goo, the main …show more content…

On the left, the girls are wearing bright colors and dancing in the sunlight, while on the right, the shaman is shown cloaked in shadows, in a closed off area alone, and performing at night (Yang). From this imagery, more traditional shamans pictured on the left are shown to be trustworthy, vulnerable, and working towards the greater good of everyone involved, while solo practitioners who work in secrecy are shown as evil and selfish. While The Wailing gave more a commentary on how all religions, as different as they may seem, simply have different terminology for what they consider their ways of practicing and what they consider sacred, Secret Healer focuses more on preserving the image of the traditional shaman while creating a scapegoat for what people might consider to be “evil intentions” as someone practicing shamanism in a completely different

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