Seabee Scholarship Essay

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As my high school career ends, I notice increasingly how much life that I have yet to live and the opportunities available to me in the years ahead. The past four years have been great preparation for my future endeavors, but college is the path leading to my full potential. In order to reach the end of this path, I utilize my most valuable trait—determination—to set short and long-term goals and achieve them. It is with this “can do” spirit—like the one my grandpa, a former Navy Seabee, evinces through his stories—that I have set my personal goals: to volunteer my time in service to others, further develop leadership skills through experiential learning, and excel at my school work no matter how challenging it may seem. Though these may be difficult to maintain, I have faith that my optimistic attitude will enable me to prevail over the challenges I am certain to face.

Volunteerism has always been the most important element of my overall involvement; my first, long-term goal reflects this. Since I entered high school, I have pursued many opportunities that exploit my desire to volunteer. I thoroughly enjoy giving my time and talents to those in need as well as the character and communication skill development with which volunteerism provides me. The skills that I have earned through my work with and for others relate directly to those required to be a successful leader. Like volunteerism, leadership, the subject of my second goal, is also something I hold close to my heart. I am fond of leadership because of my experience with the empowering feeling that being a leader provides. Such opportunities to lead have pushed me to become a proponent of the development of leadership skills among youth through additional volunteerism with...

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...ting because opportunities capitulate more opportunities and challenges are simply opportunities to grow! With this in mind, I face college with a confident demeanor, and I prepare to learn new things and achieve success in a world that I have yet to experience, but cannot wait to do so. My grandpa’s stories about his part in World War II are inspirational to me because they relate the importance of logistics behind causes and effects. Though he did not “fight” the war, without the help of his battalion and the other indispensible Seabee battalions the troops could not have made their way toward Japan, and the United States would not have been able to achieve victory. With this in mind, I am constantly humbled and have an enormous amount of respect for those who help me along the way. Without the help of others, I could not do what I have done, or be who I am today.

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