Pros And Cons Of The American Education System

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Today the American education system is no longer the best in the world. With declining test scores and poor academic achievement, people have questioned whether our current education is working for us? In Asian countries, the situation is totally different. Student in Asian countries achieve higher academic achievements, and they rank at the top on math and science tests. If their educational system is better than the U.S system, should we adopt their education system or not? As the article of “Trouble with Talent” by Kathy Seal’s opinion, she agrees America should adopt Asian education system and should belief in work hard and mentality. It would make American education system improve and Students can get higher scores. Is that the reason …show more content…

Kim, in the United States, grades are not the only factor in evaluating school applicants and job candidates. From Rhodes Scholar selections to college applications, excellence in other areas such as leadership, volunteer activities, sports and arts is equally important (p82-90). In American schools, students are encouraged to do volunteer work. So much so that many schools have guidelines for how much time students are expected to spend serving in the community. Children learn the value of giving from an early age. Volunteer activities is one way Americans feel a part of things and share the goal of serving and contributing to build their communities. From neighborhood watch programs to environmental issues, Americans do not wait for the government to initiate action: they take action to bring about the changes they desire. Therefore, Americans view volunteer work as a way to teach children and young adults values such as cooperation and teamwork, dedication and work ethics, equality and social justice, leadership, generosity and compassion for …show more content…

Chinese education is depend on the population of China and National Higher Education Entrance Examination. Compare to China, where students have no choice but well perform well on test to be attend to college. American students have more choice to college such as community college or going to four year college after high school. Even though, American education is not doing well now, but there still has some good advantages. Therefore, America can keep their good advantages and creative new way to improve their education system. It better than emulate other countries education

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