Scotlandlandville: The History Of Scotlandville

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Brionna Bates Ms. Yolanda Rodgers English IV 5 April 2014 The History of Scotlandville Although Scotlandville has change, more change is still needed to better the future for others and community. Scotlandville is known for the high school and Southern University but no one really knows how Scotlandville came to be. Scotlandville started off as a plantation and just railroads. The community is very historical and they way thing has come to be have influence the future of it. Scotlandville High School has also been through many things that have shaped it into what it is today. The area known as Scotlandville today was just an isolated rural village near Scot’s Bluff. It was named for a cotton planter whose plantation was located near the Mississippi River. The name Scott’s Bluff was given because most traveling done by people and freight was by boat. Sometime after the Reconstruction Period the area was given its official name. It was named Scotlandville, Louisiana. The decision for this was because the railroad station to Yazoo and Mississippi Valley was named Scotland. There was a small depot located near Scotland Ave. and Scenic Hwy which was the Scotlandville Branch Post Office. The U. S. Post Office Contract Station was awarded to the Simms’ Discount Pharmacy in 1986. The pharmacy was the first to be owned by females who were Geraldine A. Simms and Ruby Jean Simms. This was significant because it provided mailing for citizens who didn’t have transportation. Amanda Kelly Mackie lived in Scotlandville and married Arteal Kelly and together they opened many businesses such as the Kelly Bus Line. Amanda was a member of the earliest black families that became a business owner. During the time the Scotlandville Area had the goals.... ... middle of paper ... ...r those that want to enroll in them. The not so good is that with the community and the magnet school together the magnet students are look at as if they behave the same as others. When Scotlandville first opened they were all segregated and the sports were on played against other black schools. Their biggest rival was in football and basketball which was McKinley High. The rivalry hasn’t changed over the years; it just has gotten more serious. The violence has also had an impact on the school now than it did back then. When Scotlandville is mentioned to others, they frown up because the violence is more known the programs offered. Although Scotlandville has had changes, there are more changed are still needed. The changes that are need will help better the future for others and the community. Scotlandville has made improvements that have been very beneficial.

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