Sciatic Nerve Essay

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The largest and longest nerve in the human body is the sciatic nerve. It is about the size of the diameter of the little finger. “The sciatic nerve is formed from the spinal nerves, called L4 to S3, in the lumbar and sacral regions of the spine” (The Iowa Clinic Spine Center). The sciatic nerve extends from the lower back and runs down to the buttocks and into the posterior of each thigh. The function of the sciatic nerve is to “deliver nerve signals to and from the muscles and the skin of the thighs, lower legs and feet” (Inner Body). Sciatica is the term used to describe a severe burning or shooting pain that travels down the sciatic nerve. The medical term for sciatica is lumbar radiculopathy. Sciatica usually affects only one …show more content…

Symptoms may worsen after sneezing or coughing, prolonged sitting, or even some “activities, such as bending or twisting” (The Iowa Clinic Spine Center). Sciatica is not a diagnosis, but rather a symptom of an underlying condition. Some of the underlying conditions that can pinch or put pressure on the sciatic nerve include a herniated disc, piriformis syndrome, stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. Other underlying conditions that can cause inflammation of the sciatic nerve include osteoarthritis. Some common risk factors for sciatica include age, obesity, occupation, prolonged sitting, and diabetes. As one ages, the disks that separate each vertebrae of the spine may become herniated and cause pressure to the sciatic nerve. Obesity causes even more pressure on the spine and can cause problems leading to sciatica. Having an office job, where one sits for long periods of time or is constantly lifting heavy loads, also can contribute to problems in the lower back. People with diabetes are also at risk for sciatica. Diabetes affects the way the person’s body uses sugar, which increases risk of nerve damage. “For most people, sciatica responds well to self-care measures” (Mayo Clinic).

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