Sensory Neurons Essay

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When a message comes to the brain from body parts such as the hand, the brain dictates the body on how to respond such as instructing muscles in the hand to pull away from a hot stove. The nerves in one’s skin send a message of pain to the brain. In response, the brain sends a message back dictating the muscles in one’s hand to pull away from the source of pain. Sensory neurons are nerve cells that carry signals from outside of the body to the central nervous system. Neurons form nerve fibers that transmit impulses throughout the body. Neurons consists of three basic parts: the cell body, axon, and dendrites. The axon carries the nerve impulse along the cell. Sensory and motor neurons are insulated by a layer of myelin sheath, the myelin helps …show more content…

Dendrites are located on either one or both ends of a cell.The peripheral nervous system then takes the sensory information from the outside and sends the messages by virtue of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that relay signals through the neural pathways of the spinal cord. The neurotransmitter chemicals are held by tiny membranous sacs located in the synaptic terminals. Synaptic terminals are located at the ends of nerve cells. The release of neurotransmitters from their sacs is stimulated once the electrical nerve impulse has finished travelling along a neuron and reaches the synaptic terminal. Afterward, neurotransmitters travel across synapses thus stimulating the production of an electrical charge that carries the nerve impulse onward. Synapses are junctions between neighboring neurons. This procedure is reiterated until either muscle movement occurs or the brain picks up on a sensory reaction. During this process, messages are being transmitted from one part of the body onto the next. The peripheral and central nervous system are two crucial subdivisions of the nervous system. The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous

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