School Uniform Case Study

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Let’s set the scenario and imagine you are a middle school student. Here it is at the start of yet another school week, the bus pulls up to allow the students off the bus. The first student to exit the bus is an 8th grade girl wearing skin tight skinny jeans, flip flops, and a red tank top. As she steps off the bus several of her fellow male students are watching her as if she is a supermodel, one in particular watches whom is wearing baggy jeans and an oversized shirt. The girl ignores the boys as she walks towards the bathroom to do a last minute makeup check before the first bell. Sparking up a conversation with one of her friends neither girl realizes that the bell has already rung, so the girls quickly exit the restroom towards the hall. One girl runs to the left as the other runs to the right, she is almost to the room when she turns the next corner and there he stands right in her way. “Move out of the way! she insists, but he grabs her arm with one hand and grabs her backside with the other hand stating, “You look good in those jeans”! This behavior could be illuminated with the implementation of a school uniform policy. Misconduct such as this happens far too often in schools across the United States. Many girls dress inappropriately to get attention or just to feel good about themselves (Cribb & Hasse 107). Unfortunately, this style of dress can often bring upon unwanted behavior from male students. Male students who are known gang members wear baggy jeans and oversized shirts to conceal the guns and drugs that they are trying to bring inside the …show more content…

This is a good idea for many reasons, as the vignette describes. According to the National Center for Education Statistics as of 2012 there were are least 20 % of public elementary schools in the United States requiring uniforms and only 12% of middle schools requiring them; with a rate of 30% of public schools combined

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