School To Prison Pipeline Essay

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The school-to-prison pipeline deprives students of color of their futures by pushing them out of school and its pathway to college and careers, and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems.Although some might say that it’s a school’s right to discipline their students, schools should be careful about their discipline policies so that they do not unknowingly contribute to the effects of the school-to-prison pipeline. Schools should prevent the pipeline by using police as a last resort, more alternative discipline practices, and less emphasis on standardized tests, with more college and career prep.
The school to prison pipeline is the act of schools not setting kids up for success straight out of school they are most like to end up in …show more content…

Also how it will create a higher number of kids with a juvenile records and that can lead to more adult criminal records
When a school allows a School Resource Officer to arrest a student or less drastically and more commonly refers a student to law enforcement or juvenile court as a form of discipline they are turning that student over to the juvenile justice system. That makes it that much easier for a student to get a juvenile record so even if punishment for a first offense is light punishment for a second offense is likely to be much harsher
The steps to fix the school to prison pipeline can be created more understandable consequences for kids rather than sending to ISS or OSS, due the fact while some kids or in ISS they can fell trap and feel as of they have no way out and the average kid is not fully mentally developed and once in ISS they can start to lose they mind. Also putting on OSS is not always the best to make a kid feel they need to change due too when kids or placed on OSS they tend to fill as if they or being separated from their peers and fellow classmates. So they would tend to act out …show more content…

Meaning that they should get rid of all metal detectors and on school police . Due to the fact that it can sometimes make kids feel as if they are all ready in some type prison and a jail like program which can cause them to want to commit ,or criminal actions. So the removal of all metal detectors would .help. Also the removal of on campus police can be a positive thing in the pder of some kids may fell as they only consequences is the police and that can be stressful to kids and stress is not someone should have to deal with while in high school due to the fact that they already have to deal with the stress of high school.Teens under stressed is not a good thing to have due to the fact they are fully mentally developed and can cause a domino effect of

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