Schizophrenia Case Letter

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Ms. Lamb is a 48 year old female who presented to the ED via LEO under petition by her sister Carol. Per petition Ms. Lamb has a history of Schizophrenia and has been non compliant for 2 months, hearing voices, and allegedly carrying weapons such as knives and possible a taser. Before the assessment Carol was contacted. She reports her sister has not slept in 7 days or eaten. She reports managing sister's medication, however is unable to due to stressors in her own life, so she proceeded to petition her to get some help. Carol reports her sister, Ms. Lamb, canceled her recent appointment at DayMark and with a Social work by the name of Alisha Lancaster (336) 681-0158 who was coordinating a possible assist living facility to meet her needs …show more content…

She reports finding out her sister has not been taking her medications due to prescriptions that were filled 2 months ago and was not picked up. However, since then Carol is in possession of medications at this moment. Carol reports the altercation she was referring to happen a week ago and "blacked out" or got angry before telling sister she was about to call the police. No reports of medical attention need. At the time of the assessment Ms. Lamb denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. She admits to being noncompliance with medications over the course of 2 months, and hearing voices on occasion. She states since her last stroke she has been afraid of staying alone and feels there are ghost in her home. She reports going to her sister home to feel safe. Ms. Lamb acknowledges hearing voices talking to her, however giving no commands. She appears fine with it. She does mention increased anxiety due to the possibility of be placed in a mental health hospital. Ms. Lamb reports only canceling her appointment due to becoming depressed about the loss of her mother 2 years ago. She reports feelings of

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