Satire Essay On Zoos

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Imagine being killed by awful people who are controlling your life and won't let you live a natural life in the wild, but instead make you live in a small little cage. And don't go correcting it to a domain! It's a cage. A trap. An awful place to live. Well, surprise! Surprise! That's an animal's life! The cages aren't as great as you thought! Also, animals lives are so unnatural in a zoo! Lastly, zookeepers are really mean to animals!! Is a zoo so great now?!?!?!?

Animal cages aren't as great as you thought they are way too small and it's impossible for animals to get comfortable. Although the little areas of land behind bars, look so natural, it's mostly optical illusions! And, at one zoo's, three elephants get about two acres of land!

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