Animal Farm Satire Essay

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Animal Farm ‘Animal Farm’ is a political satire written by George Orwell. The novel is set in a farm that was originally ruled by humans and tells the story of the animals’ journey from their revolution to their eventual tyranny.
This novel was written to serve as an allegory to what happened in Russia during the Russian Revolution. Many of the characters in the novel represent famous historical figures present in the Russian Revolution. Napoleon, based on Joseph Stalin, is the pig that ends up becoming leader of the Animal Farm. He uses his attack dogs to scare the other animals into following him and giving him absolute power. Napoleon’s counterpart was Snowball, who was based on Leon Trotsky. Snowball was less immoral than Napoleon, and …show more content…

She is a motherly figure who works hard, much like the women of the Russian Revolution. Clover is not able to question the pigs on anything, because she cannot read and has to rely on the other animals. She thinks that the pigs are violating the Commandments, but when she can’t read them, she thinks that she must have remembered them incorrectly. Muriel is the goat that reads the Commandments for Clover. She represents the minority of the working class people that are educated and can make their own decisions. Moses is a raven that represents religion. He tells stories of “Sugarcandy Mountain”, which is where he says the animals will go when they die. The names “Moses” and “Sugarcandy Mountain” are allusions to a biblical figure and heaven. The pigs refuse to entertain Moses, and say that his story is a lie. Mollie is the mare that pulls Mr. Jones’ carriage. She represents the bourgeoisie that fled Russia after the Russian Revolution. Mollie likes being the center of attention for humans and has difficulty on the farm. Benjamin is a donkey that is supposed to be the older population of Russia because of his cynicism. He believes that no matter what happens, life is still going to be

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