Sat Argumentative Essay

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Is The SAT Relevant Anymore? Most high school students don’t begin to worry about the SAT until their junior year. Some prepare earlier by freshmen or sophomore year, or decide to take the similar counterpart: the ACT. In a high schooler’s first two years, students focus on raising their GPAs as much as possible to become more applicable to colleges. By junior year, they are often filled with stress with maintaining grades while studying for the SAT. Students view the SAT as the one test they can’t afford to fail. The SAT is the test that can make or break their future. Many believe the SAT measures their aptitude; a high score equals high success rate. This places much more pressure on juniors who want a high score to prove their future successes. However, the SAT doesn’t measure any of what student’s believe they do. The SAT is no longer able to measure success with simple mathematics and reading tests because the test doesn’t reflect a student’s …show more content…

Unfortunately, this hold no use in the world when the student attends college. The freshmen is not beginning their careers after high school while they begin their college life. Depending on what they are studying, academics are just as important in college as the real world. If the SAT would open up more about academics, it could predict much farther than the first year of college. The SAT should predict success throughout and after college, proving that they will be successful in their future careers and endeavors. Improving the SAT and ACT with better academic tests for a student’s academic skills is a must, but in that same scenario, it should predict and measure success better than transcripts and last until a few years after college graduation. By improving their tests in this way, the SAT would be much more useful and relevant to colleges by their graduates’ successes. It would make colleges analyze their applicants more thoroughly and be

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