Persuasive Essay On VCE Exams

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Should Victorian High Schools Repeal VCE Exams High school students face a stressful and strenuous time and are challenged by the vigorous preparation for VCE exams. The ‘do or die’ VCE exams that student face is a crisis time for them, instead of thinking about their graduation. Expecting students to take these exams is unfair due to its numerous reasons of unfairness and should not take place. The Victoria school board should repeal these exams. Students do not learn in the same, they are individuals. Thankfully for society, students bring to schools all kinds of intellect. Some students excel academically, others are artistic talents and other have vocational talents that VCE exams do not take into consideration or measure. The focus of my arguments for repealing VCE exams is that: Necessary funding for schools consistently rears its ‘ugly head’ and these exams prove to be very expensive and I believe, very much a waste of money. The money could be better spent on school materials like books, computers, and other necessary supplies. The allocated A study conducted by Charles Rooney a member of the National Center for Fair and Open testing states that, "[More than 275 colleges and universities across the United States, acting on the belief that "test scores do not equal merit," do not use the SAT or the ACT to make admissions decisions about some part or all of their freshmen.]" What do these exams prove except that they are educationally an injustice? However, I believe the truest form of assessment comes from the classroom teachers who guide the students and their learning. The generalised tests like the Sacs through the year should give adequate information that a student has learnt well the subject. Teachers are capable of understanding and demonstrating which students require additional study time and they can also gain awareness of what improvements are needed within the

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