Sample Social Intake Assessment: Mental Health

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Initial Intake Assessment Mental Health____________________________________________________________________ Within the last 30 days have you experienced a significant period of change? 1. Felt depressed, lazy, hopeless and or a change in weight or appetite. Yes No 2. Heard or seen something that others do not see? Yes No 3. Do you have thoughts of harming yourself or someone else? Yes No 4. Have you tried to commit suicide? Yes No 5. Been hospitalized for any psychological or emotional problem? Yes No Domestic Violence________________________________________________________ 1. Are you or have you been afraid of your partner and/or a family member? Yes No 2. Has anyone in your family beat, slapped or hurt you sexually or emotionally? Yes No 3. If you answered yes to questions …show more content…

Linton (2005) added much needed insight about addiction. Linton (2005) stated “because addiction is viewed as a disease, persons are never cured of their addiction problem; once attaining abstinence, they are labeled as being in recovery from the disease and must actively work to control it one day at a time.” He went on to further the understanding of the benefits of solution focused interventions in dealing with clients. Linton (2005) found that “solution-focused counseling methods have been described as useful in enhancing motivation with unmotivated and treatment-resistant clients.” Solution focused family is considered Post-modern. Post-modern constructivist approaches are built on the premise that there is no single absolute and objective truth. Instead, what is viewed as reality is a subjective construction based on a person’s interactions with the world, meanings made of life experiences, and personalized interpretations of ambiguous stimuli and events (Nichols & Schwartz, 2004; White & Epston, 1990). (Linton,

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